Chapter 7: Attachment Page 2: Return my heart to me. Page 3: ...B... ...But... But there's only one of them. [o: Thud] Page 4: [o: Pretty sure that's a gasp] ...Ugh You awake now? After all that trouble we went through... Why'd you get so close to a Grotesque? Huh?! -You don't even understand? Tsk. Page 5: !? Don't move. I'll use a healing brand next. ...? [o: sound of a brand heating up, presumably. Hiiiiiiin - maybe Fsssssh] ...! -.. ...... [o: Not really sure :/ Jyuuotsu - maybe the sound of the brand being used] Calm the hell down! Page 6: Does it hurt? [o: Thud] Eat up. After all, this is part of the Archangel's orders. No matter what, I'm to take you to the bottom floor. I'm not happy about it, but "the arrow goes where it is shot". [[A side note on that last - 打てる手は打っとかない seems to be an expression, but not one I recognize or can find an explanation for. I've switched it for what I believe to be an equivalent expression]] Don't make even this worse with all your useless wandering. Got it? ... Page 7: [o: sniff] I've fused an Ache / Defense parasite to you. Even if meat's gone bad, you'll be fine. Hurry up and eat. [o: gurgle] Aren't you getting hungry? -... [o: eating sounds] Page 8: ..... -..... Eat it. Here in the Neuro Tower, there isn't anything else to eat. How long do you think you can hold out without eating? ...Grotesques are just the same as animals, anyway. Page 9: If you don't want to die, you'd better eat. How does it feel to die? No matter how many times you die, you'll live again, and here you will stand. Until you have atoned. Until you have atoned.... -... Return my heart What does it mean? That person... who could it be? Page 10: That face... It sort of resembles mine... -... [nonsense: gash gash pitchu] [o: Clunk] [o: Bsh! -- apparently, the sound a pointing finger makes] All right, now you stay put in that corner. Don't move an inch! Page 11: OK, now get moving. If you're going to hover around pointlessly, at least scout ahead for me. No way! I don't take orders from you! What?! [--maybe not quite obvious, first two are by No. 47 and the second two are from Alice] [o-ish: flap flap [patata - flapping wings]] [o: flap flap] -Ah... Page 12: [o: flap] kukuku... [o: Unsure - apparently the noise of turning around suddenly. gashin] What happened? Page 13: Number 12... [o: unsure again. va va va] [o: Jyatsu - sound of disappearing] -... ...There's no way. Where did it disappear to?! Page 14: Where the hell'd he go?! Come out, 12! Stop messing around! Hey! "Right"... ... [note: Doctor Angelicus, post-twist and even to a degree, pre-twist, has some weird "speaking" patterns. She drifts in and out of Katakana-land with reckless abandon. To try and simulate this, I've used CAPITAL LETTERS randomly. A creepy font is also used for her speech, so that should probably also be in the end product.] Through a bit of reflection and meNTal manipulATIon they caN't see THis passage. It doesn't work on the GROTesques though... But you STIll need to open the door. [o: Shuuuururururu - maybe "whssssshh" or something] [o: Zatsu. no clue what it should be] ...! Page 15: [o: Fwap] [o: Flap-tap] [o: clack-clack - seems to be a contented beak-movement or something] -... This person... Page 16: [o: Gashu- I guess the sound of pressure release of the piping. Gssshh. this repeats the next couple of panels] ThAT's iT! If you don't fire it, it wiLL ENd! [o: more Gssssh] ... [o: switches to Kssssh kssssh ksssh] Now! QUICkly! ThE Angelic Rifle! [o: kssh kssh kssh [upper left]] [o: flap flap flap [lower right]] QuickLY! QUICKLY! QUICKLY! QUICKLY! QUICKLY! [o: Thud [dda]] Page 17: Why are YOu runNINg away?! [o: Thud! Thud!] [o: THUD] The Angelic RIFle! Hand oVER the Angelic Rifle! Page 18: [o: Thunk! -- feel free to change - technically the same sound as THUDs before but less appropriate here] [o: Not sure. Gi gi] [o: Again, not sure. Gabaaa] Page 19: Have you realized it yet? This is a traitor! ...gun... [o: Grrrshrt! [orig: Dogaaa]] Hey, come over here. Let's get going. No time to waste! Page 20: [o: zuuu] [o: zzsh zzsh zzsh - sound of regenerating flesh-approximate, I'd guess] ...ONLy I... ...reaSon for... Page 21: I can't leave it behind. This consciousness orb... or my sin. [o: Clunk clunk [orig: goshuu]] Page 22: [o: Vrrrrr - sound of machinery] ...? -What's going on? You look like you're in pain... ... [o: Unsure. Lit: Uooooooooo - could be either more machinery, or the "Goddess' song"] I should be asking why you guys are fine. Huh? -... The voice of the goddess is too strong. Page 23: [o: clutch. lit: meki--] The twisting is awful... ...I can still keep going awhile, because of my 'orb', but... if one carelessly overstays in the depths... Look. ooo... ...there are those among us who have had that happen. Let's go. Page 24: [o: oooo (literally)] [o: grab] Look. There's a light... Page 25: You finally made it. -Lo... Lord Archangel! You're late, No. 47. Consider your work here complete. Return to the surface. Y...yes, sir! No. 12. Page 26: Go. Go and complete your mission. Purify the mad god with the Angelic Rifle. Then everything will end. Even the knowledge of your sin which has been tormenting you. And the pain-filled quest on which you've embarked. Everything. You can purify your sin. Page 27: My sin... [o: fwoosh (lit: batsu]] [o: uooooooo (lit: waoooo - it's likely the voice of the mad god)] Page 28 + 29: [o: uooooooo] [o: shuff - taking off the strap] [o: Ka cha] [o: (mid panel only) uooooo] [o: vrrrrrr] [o: clk - not quite a full click] Page 30: [blank] Page 31: [o: thump-thump (heartbeat)] [o: uooooooo] What are you doing? Purify it! Now! ...but... Page 32: But that's.... That... it looks like... Page 33: That thing is not a person! It has only taken on the appearance of a woman. The insane "Preserver God"... No... It's just an insane hunk of flesh.