Page 166 b1: An informal designation, b2: but he'll be number 13. Chapter 11: Great Blaze Side B (1) Page 167 b1: He may be a child, but 12 shows superb talent. b2: He's extremely close to the wavelength of the Absolute God... b3: Induction into our order is only a matter of age, and he is nearly old enough. b1: When you are the next Archangel, and command our entire order, b2: he would be ideal as your right hand. b3: I'm sure you will become good friends. b1: ... b2: Hmph. b1: And the older brother? His number was provisional, but is it official when he wakes? b2: No... b1: They take turns waking up. b2: We're using life support machinery, b3: but only the younger one actually has a heart. It likely can't support both of them moving at the same time. b1: However... b1: Even if he woke up, perhaps b2: the older brother would not understand the situation... Page 168 b1: Can these two stay like this forever? b2: No... b3: Most likely, some years from now... b1: That would be a case of "Cain killing Abel", then? b2: ! Don't say such things... b3: It's not like there's a problem with it. b1: The way you talk about it, it's like the older one's practically not there... b2: He's here! b1: ?! b1: Big brother's definitely here! b2: He's right here...! Page 169 b1: -12... b2: Number 12! b1: Have you seen number 12? b2: He was heading for God's chamber. b3: I see. b1: -So, you came here again... Page 170 b1: ...Being here brings me peace of mind. b1: Has God bestowed any knowledge upon you? b2: I feel echoes, as if God is singing a song... b1: -...a song? b2: Yes. [This child can feel that much with his ability?] b1: Anyway, 12, don't strain yourself. b2: It's number 13. b1: I'm number 13, b2: Lord Koriel 1. Page 171 sfx: pant pant pant b1: This can't last any longer. b2: At this rate both of them will die! b3: We have to separate them immediately or else...! b4: No! b1: Stop! b2: I don't care if I die! b1: Don't tear my brother and I apart! b1: -...The separation surgery took place after that. b2: The "Number 13" inside of you must have died, but... Page 172 b1: Are you really 12? b2: Or... b3: In the shock of the Great Blaze, b4: was a personality resuscitated that might have died...? sfx: step b1: ... b1: ! b2: That's the Angelic Rifle! b1: Then you obey the Archangel?! b2: Why? b3: Did he feed you lies of salvation?! b1: Since that time, the feeling of guilt must have tormented you. b2: Did he claim he could save you from it...? Page 173 b1: -How foolish... b2: ... sfx: oooo [I know.] b1: [The Archangel will not save me.] sfx: flap flap b1: [Becoming one with the Absolute God] b2: [will begin the healing.] b1: b2: b3: Page 174 b1: Restore my lost "pain"! b2: The "signal" that allows me to control myself! b1: Find the "pain" I have forgotten and bring it here...! sfx: Zzzzzzrr b1: ["Return God's lost pain"] b2: [How could I...] sfx: step b1: -Hey... b2: You... you there. Page 175 b1: Have you seen Doctor Angelicus? b2: I've been searching for her all this time... b3: ... [The Execution Squad member!] [-his twisting is that much more awful now...?] b1: ...why was I looking for her again? b2: I seem to have forgotten... b1: I'm looking for her, anyway! b2: It's very important... b3: Could we look for her together...? How about it? b4: If you're up for it, and we run into any Grotesques, I'll handle 'em. b5: ... Page 176 b1: ...D... b2: Ms... Doctor Angelicus... b1: ... b2: ...The Angelic Rifle, please... Page 177 sfx: grab grab grab b1: The Angelic Rifle! b2: "The Pain of the World" and... b3: The form of my sin...! [The "Pain" of the world...? b1: -... sfx: Clunk b1: Ohhh... b2: Ohhhhhh...! b1: I have it! b2: The Angelic Rifle! b3: I have the... Angelic... Page 178 b1: ...I may finally have this in my hands now, b2: but it cannot expunge my sins. b1: I already knew this. b2: ...but at the time, b3: I could think of nothing else I could do. sfx: Clank b1: Lord Koriel number 12... b1: I am Doctor Angelicus. b2: Up until the Great Blaze, I was responsible for the Malkuth Order's research division. As well as... b3: Lord Archangel's personal secretary, of sorts. Page 179 b1: ...Although, even if you remembered me, b2: I did not have this shape back then... b1: -Please, b2: this way. b1: Place your hand on this Consciousness Orb. b1: ...? b1: It will show you my sin. b1: ... Page 180 sfx: Shhhhhhrm! sfx: ooooo sfx: ooo sfx: Shine! {feel free to substitute} b1:...! [-Since] [I've been walking in dim places so long...] b1: [I'm so lost...] b2: [Where could the library be?] b3: [All of these hallways look the same...] [There's someone...] [Fairly young, a child maybe?] [He does have the "Fake Wings", that much I recognize.] Page 181 [On him, they look real...] b1: I'll try asking him. b2: -Excuse me... b1: I'm looking for the library... b2: [Back then, he wasn't yet] b1: [at the rank of "Archangel".] b2: -... b3: I've lost my way... b4: [That was who he was.] [1: No helping it, I'll give her a hand] {above archangel} [2: Augh, he looks important!] {above D. Angelicus} b1: Do you have any sense of direction? b2: Huh? ... no... b1: [Hair blond to the point of nearly white] b2: [Red eyes] Page 182 b1: [Somehow...] b2: What do you think? b1: Why do you think murders and wars happen? b2: Why was that "corruption" or twisting created in the first place? b3: Discrimination, inequality... b4: Insanity, illness... b1: [-Ahh,] b2: [this person..] b1: [The world and all the people around him] b2: [he doesn't like them very much, does he?] b1: ...You're a little different from the rest. Page 183 b1: What do you think about the color of my eyes? b1: I just thought... b1: It's a pretty color, that's all. b2: ...! [...?] b1: ...The library's around that corner. [turning away] {above archangel} b2: T... Thank you! [very much...] {above D. Angelicus} b3: -He tried to hide it pretty quickly, though. Page 184 b1: [The expression he showed me for just an instant...] b2: [For some reason, I couldn't forget it.] b3: Be quiet! {note: on this panel, b1 is upper left} b1: The abnormalities are clear from the data. b2: Normal corrections of the twisting are not occurring. b3: On the contrary... sfx: whispers, murmurs {feel free to substitute} b1: We have confirmed that there is new corruption spreading from God itself! b1: 'This world and the people in it require some amount of corruption.' b2: That's the position of the Koriel gentlemen here. b3: -I confess that I myself do not feel the same way... Page 185 sfx: silence... b1: Do you still hold that position b2: to be true, even after hearing that? b1: -I... b2: Isn't it possible that that could be from the influence of our man-made Consciousness orbs? b3: Our artificial transmission of information to God might, perhaps... b1: Why would you think that? b2: It sped up the correction of the twisting by an incredible amount. b3: Surely you saw the outcome of those experiments yourself. b1: For example, take No. 12 over there -- when he experienced a "surge". b2: God swiftly reached a perfect equilibrium, according to all our readings. b1: Everyone recognized that success, surely. { between two panels} b1: In any case... b1: I wasn't the first one who started transmitting code to God. Page 186 b1: God didn't reject it then. b2: That was how the Malkuth Order came to support and protect God - b3: - as it has for many years. b1: In that case, why would such b2: horrible things suddenly arise? b1: Even now, the warping influence reaches out from inside this Nerve Tower to the outside world has begun to spread. b2: The sudden increase in the bizarre "Baroque Murders" is no doubt due to this expanding effect. b1: What about the transfiguration of this very tower? b2: Members of our order are being warped in mind as well as body. b3: And we have seen the appearance of Grotesques... b1: What can you conclude from this? Doesn't it seem obvious? Page 187 b1: God is clearly trying to annihilate humanity. b1: T... That can't be...! b2: How else could you explain this? b1: ... b2: I... b1: We must "repair" God. Page 188 sfx: murmur, bustle b1: "Repair"...? b2: God?! b3: But... b1: At best, we could return things back to the way they were. b2: In the worst case, we should be able to fend off any new warping effects. b3: B... but how...? b4: We're researching it. b1: I have placed the resources of a research team at Doctor Angelicus' disposal. b2: If we see results, I will share them. sfx: Murmur, murmur b1: -For the time being... b1: We must neutralize God's power. b1: To prevent further damage, b2: we plan to weaken God's 'power of purification'. If you all follow my orders... b3: Lord Archangel! Page 189 b1: No. 12 b2: ...What is it? b1: With all due respect, b2: why is it that you hate God so much? [That expression...] Page 190 b1: -... b2: What could you mean? b1: I only follow the responsibilities of the Malkuth order! b2: Don't you understand? b3: My true intention is to support God and discover what is happening. b4: Even if you disagree, surely you could still carry out these orders? b1: -I apologize for my rudeness, sir. sfx: Step step b1: Lord Archangel! b2: Is the path that we have chosen truly correct? b3: -I just... Page 191 b1: Angelicus... b1: Come with me. b2: I will speak with you about all of my plans. b3: -...! [Baroque: The Missing Paradigm ~ 2 END] Page 192 { Archangel by himself} b1: Cover's over there. {4-koma} Guwabaro (u) { For each panel, b1 is right, b2 is left } b1: No matter how many times you die, you will come back. b2: Huuuuuuh?! b1: Don't you know how to learn? b2: Ha ha! I'm so sorry! b1: I'm so tired of seeing your face. b2: That's funny, I feel the same! sfx: shake b1: ... Don't you have a single thought in your head? b2: Nope? {Author's note} Thank you very much for reading. I would like to present an afterword on the reverse binding, but I'll be quick. The truth is, I wrote this part last. By the by, where do you suppose the nerve tower really is? It isn't ever really specified, but for some reason I think it might be in Eastern Europe? I can't really explain why but a foreign nation in Europe was what I was thinking myself (when playing the game). With names like Eliza and Alice, those might not be from there, though? Or maybe the people of another nation would naturally wear wings, even in the case of playing... (like a fancy-dress party...) No matter where it is, it's fun to think about. As far as this manga goes, hmm... It's kind of vague about the feeling of where it takes place, but that is sort of expected of Baroque, isn't it? Please interpret it as you like. Well then, enjoy making your way to the back cover~. Ueda